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Your donation helps us surrender our lives to God!

The Grace Mercy Order is maintained exclusively by voluntary and spontaneous donations,
and its services are provided free of charge. Therefore, your contribution is important.


Where your contribution goes to: 

    • BASIC EXPENSES: food, clothing, housing and health.

    • TRANSFERS TO THE VARIOUS MONASTERIES:  the Order has monasteries in different countries and continents. You may collaborate by donating financial resources or airline miles for tickets and travel expenses. See Bank Details and Air Miles Section below.

    • TRAINING FUND: seeks to promote training up to complete high school for all members and training in areas of technical and philosophical knowledge that can improve the expression of consecrated and service life.


Donate to:

Organization Name: Ordem Graça Misericórdia
National Registry of Legal Entities
CNPJ: 11.601.236/0001-08

General Expenses:
AG: 3204
C/C: 00081-8
Swift Code: ITAUBRSP
CÓDIGO IBAN: BR42 6070 1190 0320 4000 0000 818C 1

Instruction Sector (training)
AG: 0802
C/C: 68300-3
Swift Code: ITAUBRSP

Average monthly expense of Grace Mercy Order:
US$ 15,000.00 - € 15,146.3

E-mail address:

Donate through:

  • Bank deposit
  • National and international bank transfer

National bank transfer:

Pix: 11601236000108
(CNPJ) National Registry of Legal Entities

International bank transfer:

Credit card

You will be redirected to UNE System, where you can make your donation quickly and safely without having to register in advance. You just need to enter a few details and choose between the one-time or recurring donation options.


Use your PayPal account to donate. Choose the value or select the presets. Make recurring donations for as long as you like. The fee is paid by the receiver.

• Bank Slip

PFor many, the bank slip works as a reminder and helps them not to forget about the contribution. Send us the following information and you will receive the online slip or by mail, as you wish. There is no penalty charge in case of delay. Send to the Email address full name, CPF, address with postcode, expiration date, value, number of months of contribution.

• Air Miles:

With donated Air Miles we can purchase tickets in order to provide for the various monasteries without financial expenses. For clarification on how to donate your miles, write to: